
ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker can be installed directly on the APIC as an ACI app or deployed as a standalone app.

Currently, the APIC imposes a 2G memory limit and a 10G disk quota on stateful applications. As a result, it may not be possible to run this as an ACI app on an APIC with a large number of endpoints.

As a best practice, it is recommended to deploy this app in standalone mode if the total number of per-node endpoints exceeds 65K. You can determine the per-node endpoint count via the following moquery on the APIC:

apic# moquery -c epmDb -x query-target=subtree -x target-subtree-class=epmIpEp,epmMacEp,epmRsMacEpToIpEpAtt -x rsp-subtree-include=count

If you have deployed the application on the APIC and it is exceeding the memory limits, you may see the symptoms below. Note, there will be no impact to the APIC or fabric under these conditions.

  • Consistent monitor restarts
  • Monitor restart due to “Worker 0 hello timeout”
  • Monitor stuck at “Building endpoint database”

ACI Application

The most recent public release can be downloaded from ACI AppCenter. After downloading the app, follow the directions for uploading and installing the app on the APIC:

See Building ACI Application to build the ACI application from source.

Standalone Application

The standalone application is one that runs on a dedicated host/VM and makes remote connections to the APIC opposed to running as a container on the APIC. For large scale fabrics or development purposes, standalone is the recommended mode to run this application.

A pre-built OVA is available. After first boot of the OVA, execute the script as described in step 3 of Easy Setup. The default credentials for the OVA are:

username: eptracker
password: cisco


The OVA link may expire Jan 2019. Send an email to if the link is no longer valid.

Easy Setup

The quickest way to get up and running is to spin up a host/VM/container and execute the script. This will install and configure python, apache, mongo, exim4, along with appropriate python requirements, cron, ntp, and logrotate. Additionally it will create a firstRun script that can be used to configure networking, ntp, and timezone for users unfamiliar with the OS. Lastly, it will execute the initial db setup.

  1. Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 on a host or VM with the recommended minimal sizing:
  • 4 vCPU
  • 8G memory
  • 50G harddisk
  1. From the terminal, download and execute the install script.
eptracker@ept-dev:~$ curl -sSl >
eptracker@ept-dev:~$ chmod 777
eptracker@ept-dev:~$ sudo ./ --install
[sudo] password for eptracker:
Installing ............

Install Completed. Please see /home/eptracker/setup.log for more details. Reload the
machine before using this application.

After reload, first time user should run the script
in eptracker's home directory:
   sudo /home/eptracker/
  1. After install, a firstRun script should be present in the install user’s home directory. Execute the firstRun script to configure the VM along with setting up the initial app database.
eptracker@ept-dev:~$ sudo /home/eptracker/

 Setting up system

 Setting up application
 Enter admin password:
 Re-enter password   :

         Setup has completed!
         You can now login to the web interface with username "admin" and the
         password you just configured at:

         It is recommended to reload the VM before proceeding.
         Reload now? [yes/no ] yes
 Reloading ...
  1. Setup is complete, the application can now be managed through the web interface.


The source code is available at /var/www/eptracker. The apache module has been configured to service this directory. Any change to the python source code may require both python worker and apache to be restarted.

eptracker@ept-dev:/var/www/eptracker$ ./bash/ -ka
stopping all fabrics
eptracker@ept-dev:/var/www/eptracker$ sudo service apache2 restart


If you have downloaded the OVA you may want to upgrade the source code to the most recent release to get all recent fixes/features. To do so, simply perform a git pull on the source directory and restart apache. For example:

eptracker@eptracker:~$ cd /var/www/eptracker/
eptracker@eptracker:/var/www/eptracker$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

eptracker@eptracker:/var/www/eptracker$ git reset --hard
<output omitted>
eptracker@eptracker:/var/www/eptracker$ git pull origin master
<output omitted>

eptracker@eptracker:/var/www/eptracker$ sudo service apache2 restart

Manual Setup

This application has primarily been developed and tested on Ubuntu host so that is recommended OS, however, any OS that supports the below requirements should work:

  • Linux Distribution
  • Flask with Python2.7
  • MongoDB
  • A webserver that can host flask applications
  • exim4
    • exim4 is used only for sending email alerts via mail command. Alternative programs may also be used.

** Review the /bash/ script for examples on installing python and all other dependencies **

Building ACI Application

To build the application you’ll need a development environment with git, python2.7, zip, and docker installed.


Build process does not currently work on MAC OS due to incompatibility with sed program. It has successfully been performed on Ubuntu 16.04 and will likely work on other linux OS.

# install via apt-get, yum, dnf, etc...
root@ept-dev:~# apt-get install -y git python-pip zip

# install docker
root@ept-dev:~# curl -sSl | sh

# download the source code
root@ept-dev:~# git clone
root@ept-dev:~# cd ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker

# install package requirements
root@ept-dev:~/ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker# pip install aci_app_store/app_package/cisco_aci_app_packager-1.0.tgz

# package application
root@ept-dev:~/ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker# ./bash/
root@ept-dev:~/ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker# ls -al ~/ | grep aci
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    321062782 Nov 27 23:47 Cisco-EnhancedEndpointTracker-1.0.aci


Docker is not required if the image file bundled within the app is available on the development environment. For example, you can install docker on a different server, bundle the required docker image file, and then sftp/scp to the development server.

# fetch the upstream docker image and copy to development server
root@srv1:~# docker pull agccie/ept:latest
root@srv1:~# docker save agccie/ept:latest | gzip -c > ~/my_docker_image.tgz
root@srv1:~# scp ~/my_docker_iamge.tgz root@ept-dev:~/

# package application with local docker image
root@ept-dev:~/ACI-EnhancedEndpointTracker# ./bash/ --img ~/my_docker_image.tgz
UTC 2017-11-27 23:47:17.083     INFO creating required ACI app store directories
UTC 2017-11-27 23:47:17.481     INFO packaging application
UTC 2017-11-27 23:47:29.504     INFO packaged: ~/Cisco-EnhancedEndpointTracker-1.0.aci